Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ma'aseh Bereishit

In the light of

16! + 35750*29*2^14 = 35750^2*2^14

covering the 16 billion years of the Universe, and

15! + 35750*29*2^10 = 35750^2*2^10

covering the one billion years of all of multi-cellular evolution, and

15!/2^10 + 35750*29 = 35750^2

covering the Hanhaga during about the one million years of human evolution proper, one equation seems to be missing in

16! + (64*29)^2 = (64*71471)^2

15! + (16*29)^2 = (16*71471)^2

covering the times from the death of Rashbi, and the Arizal, respectively, until 5796. The missing equation is

15!/2^10 + (29/2)^2 = (71471/2)^2

This equation covers the 14 and a half years before 5796. The six periods that are in bold may be taken as represented by the six days, two times three, of Ma'aseh Bereishit.