Monday, March 4, 2013

Rambam Shocking?

I react to this post, about the Rambam. As a general rule, a book or set of books, is to perform a Tikkun. After that there follows another book, with another Tikkun, and another one, and so forth, until the time of Moshiach. Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim had their time of glory. Mishnah and Talmud had their time of glory. The Rambam's Mishneh Torah and the Shulchan Aruch had their time of glory. The Zohar and the Arizal had their time of glory. The Ramchal and the GR"A had their time of glory. They all exist, but the time of Tikkun is over and gone.

The Rambam may be very shocking, but not to who know to do the Tikkun of today.